Thursday, November 12, 2009

Windows Movie Maker

Here is a little presentation I put together on Movie Maker. I took video clips, spliced them together with pictures and music, and posted them to my blog for the world to see. I enjoyed learning how to upload my own video, create cut ups, snap video shots, gather pictures from the internet, download music, then add it all to my project. Many ideas come to mind on how this can benefit my classroom. One benefit for a teacher would be to spend some time creating a lesson plan on movie maker for a day when they are absent from class. Having a substitute lesson for being absent is a necessity so why not make it fun and interacting for the students. I am going to play around some more with this feature and put together an educational clip in the next week or so. ENJOY!
I ran into some trouble because my MB were too large for my blog. To fix this problem I opened my project in movie maker, went into the file tab, chose the option to publish movie, and then converted my AVI file to "high quality small video." This got my video under the 100 MB maximum. There was also an option to compress my video where I could choose the number of MB I wanted.


  1. Outstanding effort. iMovie is a very powerful tool, indeed. Squishing to reduce filesize and posting/embedding into your Blog is a skill that will forever be useful.

  2. Justin this is pretty cool! Loved some of the clips! You did a really good job.

